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Thursday, April 15, 2010

What a difference three millimeters can make

I had to trim my hair this week... But I only trimmed about three millimeters. And amazingly, it did the trick. The last time I had my hair cut was around Thanksgiving, so the style is long gone and the ends have been looking a little rough. So I decided to trim juuuusssst the ends and see the results. I'm happy now. I took off just enough of the ends that my hair looks healthier and has a little more bounce. It doesn't look any shorter; it looks better.

The worst part about growing hair out is the in-between stage... You've decided not to cut it but then it starts looking rough, and part of you wants to just throw it in a ponytail every day, and the other part of you wants to chop off a couple of inches. But wearing a ponytail every day is not such a good option. It can pull your hair out and, if pulled too tightly, can cause headaches. And chopping off an inch wastes about two months' worth of growth (hair typically grows about half an inch a month). So I've settled on the three-millimeters-as-needed routine. Besides, it saves money on trims... Have you ever met a hair stylist who was willing to just trim three millimeters??

P.S. Just a note about henna: My husband commented last week that he likes the henna look a lot better than the box/chemical dye look. He said the henna looks more natural. Just FYI!

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