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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cayenne is Hot, Hot, Hot!

So, I was in Vitamin Shoppe yesterday stocking up on rosemary and Vitamin D (sunshine in pill form?!), and I came across cayenne. I've heard that cayenne applied topically can help increase hair growth, but I'm not sure how I feel about that. What if it got in my eyes? Ouch! So, I picked up some cayenne supplements -- even better, it's a cayenne/garlic blend, and garlic is supposed to be a wonderful supplement for general health. The cayenne is supposed to invigorate circulation and warm the blood -- sounds like a great answer to this cold winter weather, anyway! I'm starting out slowly -- apparently, cayenne in high dosages can upset the stomach. So, I'll be building up my tolerance to it.

The Vitamin D, recommended by my cousin, should help, too. In addition, I read in the paper this morning that for anyone living north of the Deep South (Georgia, Alabama, etc.), the winter sun is not strong enough to provide sufficient Vitamin D. Good to know! I prefer my sunshine in the great outdoors, but there's nothing great about 30-degree weather and gloomy January (blah), so I'm going to take my Vitamin D (sunshine vitamin) and cayenne (heat), and look forward to SPRING!

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