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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Asian food for longer hair? Yes, please!

In my quest to have long hair, I am researching a variety of treatments and remedies -- and not just supplements. Hair health is directly tied to diet, and as I've written in previous posts, I'm certainly trying the Jello. That's starting to become a little routine, though.

I love Asian food. Put a plate of sushi in front of me and I'm a happy girl. Hibachi? Yum! So, I was very happy to discover that certain Asian foods can help with hair health. They are: miso soup, salmon, rice, seaweed, soy and green tea. OK, OK, so salmon isn't just an Asian food. It is in a lot of sushi, though, so it counts, along with rice and seaweed. In fact, this is great news to any sushi lovers who are trying to grow their hair! And there's nothing like a simple bowl of miso soup to warm the tummy. So, this is all a great discovery.

Green tea is a superfood in my book. I love it. It tastes so natural and refreshing, and it's loaded with antioxidants, which are good for not only hair, but also skin, immunity and general well-being. It has just a wee bit of caffeine, too, so when I need a little caffeine kick in the afternoon, or when I'm suffering from writer's block, I make a big mug of green tea and keep going.

If you don't like sushi, that's OK. Try a kelp supplement instead of the seaweed, or grill up some salmon if you don't like it raw. Just make sure you're chowing down on a variety of healthy foods. Asian food is extremely healthy, so it gets a thumbs up from me.

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